Are you a happy puppy? Todos quisieramos ser un cachorro feliz creo. Mi estado happy puppy viene de la mano de Otis Redding "the king of soul" No hay cancion suya q me defraude, me da paz y alegria. Me devuelve la inocencia de los antiguas costumbres, cdo no existia internet, ni computadoras, ni telefonia celular. Me transporta a una cocina en Georgia donde podria estar cocinando un rico pie para compartir con mi familia en un dia de calor con una gran jarra de limonada c hojitas de menta y meneandome con " Try a little tendernness" So sweet!
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"oh she may be weary
them young girls they do get wearied
wearing that same old miniskirt dress
but when she gets weary
you try a little tenderness
oh man that
un hunh
i know shes waiting
just anticipating
the thing that youl never never possess
no no no
but while she there waiting
try just a little bit of tenderness
thats all you got to do
now it might be a little bit sentimental no
but she has her greavs and care
but the soft words they are spoke so gentle
yeah yeah yeah
and it makes it easier to bear
oh she wont regret it
no no
them young girls they dont forget it
love is their whole happiness
yeah yeha yeah
but its all so easy
all you got to do is try
try a little tenderness
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"oh she may be weary
them young girls they do get wearied
wearing that same old miniskirt dress
but when she gets weary
you try a little tenderness
oh man that
un hunh
i know shes waiting
just anticipating
the thing that youl never never possess
no no no
but while she there waiting
try just a little bit of tenderness
thats all you got to do
now it might be a little bit sentimental no
but she has her greavs and care
but the soft words they are spoke so gentle
yeah yeah yeah
and it makes it easier to bear
oh she wont regret it
no no
them young girls they dont forget it
love is their whole happiness
yeah yeha yeah
but its all so easy
all you got to do is try
try a little tenderness